An imaginary extract from an actual book title: ‘Sex After Death’
…So much for reincarnation.
The Judeo-Christian tradition arguably supports the existence of sex after death, at least in the case of those not selected for ‘higher things’. Professor Alcock, the discredited theologian whose assumed qualifications are the subject of continuing debate, suggests in Fires of Passion (Purgatory Press 1966) that while sexuality ‘up above’ may be sublimated into such activities as an appreciation of the flowing lines of the harp, the ‘wailing and gnashing of teeth’ ‘down below’ is probably an oblique reference to the ecstatic, orgasmic outcries and perverted sexual practises forced upon those whose carnal lusts on earth have resulted in their having to endure nothing but continual sex for the rest of eternity. That even hell could be imagined to inflict such a hideous and repulsive punishment is considered by some academics to give credence to an otherwise dubious and unconvincing argument.
And so to necrophilia…