A story entitled ‘The man who did not’
The room was ready. Could this be the man for the job? He was shown to a chair and invited to sit. He did not. Like bullets the questions were fired in rapid succession.
Did he crave more than he already had? No, he did not. Did he adore material things? No, he did not. Did he ever show disrespect to his employer? No, he did not. Would he be prepared to work on Sundays if required? No, he would not. If the business expanded, would he agree to be relocated? No, he would not – his parents needed him. Did he have the necessary ‘killer instinct’ to trample on others in order to succeed at any cost? No, he did not. Would he risk an affair with a colleague’s wife to secure promotion? No, he would not. Did he ever steal other people’s ideas for his own advancement? No, he did not. Did he sometimes falsely blame others to save himself? No, he did not. Did he envy the lives and possessions of those who had been more successful than he had? No, he did not.
‘Well done!’ boomed a voice from above. ‘Congratulations, Moses, interview over: ten questions and ten good answers. The job is yours. Do not is what you must always do. Do you have any questions for us?’ No, he did not.