An all-purpose poem for state occasions.
We welcome/dread this glad/sad day of news
And duly from the following options choose:
Disaster, triumph, hope, despair, love, hate,
Birth, marriage, death, fair fortune or foul fate
Of monarch, saint or sinner, friend or foe
At home, abroad, in space, wherever so;
And, having from this list of options chosen,
Mark the day with hearts aglow or frozen;
He/she, they/this, now warrants, more or less,
For good or ill in failure or success
Hard/easy gained or given, soon or late,
Due dues on this occasion of the State;
So let us crown, for better or for worse
Our great/grim day with this Occasional Verse
Which may or may not speak to all or none
Of who or what was either lost or won.